How do i recall an email in outlook 2021
How do i recall an email in outlook 2021

Recalling a message to an address not on our Office 365 system will most likely not work.The recall process can take several minutes, during which time the recipient can see the recall notice in their Inbox and can open and read the message you are attempting to recall.

how do i recall an email in outlook 2021

If the recipient has the Outlook Inbox open, this notification may prompt them to immediately open the message you are attempting to recall. That’s how you can schedule a single message in Microsoft Outlook. Open the message you want to recall (double click to open it), click Actions > Recall This Message. Compose your new message in the message window, add the recipient’s email address and click the Send button.

  • When you attempt to recall a message, a recall notification appears in the recipient's Inbox and remains there while the recall process is taking place. Recall or retract a sent message in Outlook 1.
  • You can only recall messages that have not been read or moved out of the recipient's Inbox.
  • The Recall option is not available for a message displayed in the Reading Pane. Double-click on the message you want to retract to open it in a separate window.
  • You can only recall messages from recipients who are currently logged onto the network and using Outlook. To recall a message sent in error, here are the steps to perform: Go to the Sent Items folder.
  • However, the Recall feature is somewhat limited due to the following reasons:

    how do i recall an email in outlook 2021

    The maximum option allowed here is 10 seconds. 5th step In the Recall This Message window that displays, select Delete Unread Copies of This Message. Navigate to the bottom and select View all Outlook settings > Ensure that Email is selected on the left and then navigate to Compose and reply Navigate to Undo Send, and tap on the slider to select how long you want to be able to recall a message. This feature can be useful if you send a message and then you discover errors in the message and want to prevent the recipient from reading it. On the Ribbon at the top of the Outlook window, click the Message tab, then the Other Actions button in the Actions section, then Recall This Message in the menu that appears. However, this feature is not available in OWA (Outlook Web App). Outlook allows you to cancel (recall) messages that you have sent to other Outlook users.

    How do i recall an email in outlook 2021