It’s still fairly rough in its presentation, as the online client looks like something out of early Runescape. Entering Early Access on Steam just this past weekend, the game has been in development since 2009, representing the hardest-fought development cycle I’ve seen in some time. SpyParty is one of the most intensive multiplayer games I’ve experienced in a while.

As time runs out, I slink away to a window to check the time (and add some), but the sniper has been following me for minutes, putting his lone bullet into my body, killing the spy on the spot. Biding my time, I find a large group conversation and make contact with the double agent by proclaiming “banana bread” fairly loudly. A small red glaring laser dances across my body, prompting me to put the statue down and not swap it out. Milling about a party with socialites, I find myself compelled to observe the nearest statue, examining its sterling quality. By Daniel George 4 years ago Follow TweetĪ miracle birthed from a slow, crawling development cycle, SpyParty reaches Steam Early Access with a flawed presentation but excellent gameplay.