How to increase Internal Storage and SDCard in BlueStacks 3.How to change Google Advertising ID in BlueStacks 2.How to change DPI (Density) in BlueStacks 2.How to change resolution in BlueStacks 2.How to change IMEI/AndroidID/SimSerialNumber in BlueStacks 2.How to remove Tabs "App Center" & "Help Center" from BlueStacks 3.How to use BlueStacks 3 without Google login.How to use BlueStacks 2 without Google login.How to remove the Banner (bottom ads bar) from BlueStacks 2.6, 2.7.How to remove Editor`s Choice (preset shortcuts) from the Desktop of BlueStacks.How to remove ads / disable Windows of Purchase in BlueStacks 2.

How to disable promo ads icon in BlueStacks 3.How to Root BlueStacks 3.50+ (Multi-instances) with BSTweaker 3 and SuperSU 2.82.